IFE Integrated Power
Efficient, Cost-effective IFE Power Solutions from the Industry's Power Experts
EmPower® IFE Integrated Seat Power Systems are the proven choice for large and small In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) system manufacturers. This integrated solution provides the capabilities and features of Astronics’ EmPower® In-Seat Power
System for passenger use (AC and/or USB) and adds additional power for seat-powered IFE equipment in a single low-profile seat box.
Advanced EmPower® Technology
EmPower® IFE Integrated Seat Power Systems are based on the advanced technology created for the EmPower® AC In-Seat Power Systems with smaller volume and higher efficiency than can be found in non-integrated systems. The Seat Power Box (SPB) is designed to provide both 110V AC power for passenger PEDs and DC power for the IFE, USB charging ports, and other in-seat equipment. The SPB is capable of operating in several modes including AC/DC, AC only, or DC only, and provides dynamic power allocation between AC and DC outputs.
Features include:
- Compliant with FAA guidelines on PC power systems
- Dual redundant thermal management protection
- Compliant with DO-160D, Boeing, and Airbus requirements
- Short circuit, over/under voltage protection with auto recovery and GFI protection for AC
- Silent, fan-less operation
- RS-485 interface to meet the Airbus “Enhanced Cabin” architecture with integrated IFE for total cabin power management
- Compliant with ARINC-485 specification
EmPower® IFE Integrated Seat Power System

Advanced Master Control Unit
The Advanced Master Control Unit (AMCU) provides power management and distribution for the system. Three-phase 115VAC, 400Hz aircraft power is distributed to the SPBs on multiple outputs (columns) along with one data/control discrete. The AMCU includes several discrete input controls and programmable features to manage power. An Ethernet interface and built-in web server are provided for communicating with the IFE System. This is used for some advanced system controls and for providing system status (BITE, power outputs, software version, latched faults, etc.).
Seat Power Box
The Seat Power Box (SPB) units are installed at each seat group. These provide DC power for IFE equipment and power for passenger use (110VAC and/or USB) that is compatible with the EmPower® family of universal AC Outlet Units and USB charging ports. The In-Use Light is driven from the SPB and provides system fault status as well as an indication to the flight crew that the passenger power system in that row is being used. The RS-485 interface provides communications with the IFE seat subsystem for local control and reporting. Each SPB can support up to four seats.
The SPB is offered as a standard off-the-shelf product to meet most IFE applications, or a custom configuration can be developed for customers with unique applications. Please contact us below to discuss your specific needs.
Let's Start the Conversation
For more information or to request a quote, fill out the form below or call us at: +1.425.881.1700
12950 Willows Road NE
Kirkland, WA 98034 USA