Innovative Semiconductor Test Solutions
For more than 20 years, we've partnered with the world's leading semiconductor companies to deliver semiconductor test solutions that improve yields and reduce costs.
Chances are your smart phone, smart watch, tablet, or other device contains some of the billions of integrated semiconductors tested on Astronics’ equipment.
Need a proven test solution provider you can trust? Talk to us.
Test Solutions for Tomorrow’s Devices
We serve global semiconductor manufacturers with automated test systems, expert test strategies, and custom system development to create solutions for your most demanding applications.
Our solutions target semiconductor-driven technologies for a diverse set of applications: mobile devices, computers, wearables, automotive, medical, and other devices where reliable operation is critical. We specialize in system-level test for the devices of tomorrow.
Count on Astronics for systems that streamline your test process through automation, improve yields, and reduce your overall cost of test.
Why Astronics?
We hope you’ll work with us if you’re seeking:
A proven record of semiconductor test success. We’ve fielded over 2,000 testers, testing more than 10 billion devices to date.
A collaborative partner you can trust. Our vertically integrated engineering team – electrical, mechanical, software and test – works in close partnership with your team to ensure program requirements are exceeded, on time, every time.
A global approach. The semiconductor business is an international business, and so the Astronics worldwide project management team oversees your project from start to finish, in multiple countries, all the way through.
12700 Ingenuity Dr.
Orlando, FL 32826 USA
West Coast
2652 McGaw Ave.
Irvine, CA 92614 USA
P: +1.407.381.6062 Orlando, FL (HQ)
P: +1.949.859.8999 Irvine, CA
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